Your web property extends your organization and connects with prospective partners, clients and customers 24/7 so it can transform interactions with your targeted audiences. That interaction is only as effective as the technology that delivers it and the competency of the partner who creates it.
- User-group identification and profiling
- User experience (UX) and front-end development
- Content Management System (CMS) setup and customization
- Award-winning art direction and design
- Custom templating and implementation
- Migrations, import and export
- Security testing and hardening
- Database development
- Ongoing maintenance, automation, backups and updates
- CMS training
- Troubleshooting and recovery
- Email marketing
- Newsletter creation, testing, distribution
- Security auditing
- Certification in Google CM360 and DV360
- Certification in Google AdWords
- Google Floodlight tags utilized to create look-alike audiences and retargeting
- Animated ads built in HTML
- First-to-market data warehousing, dashboard creation and analysis
MSI Communications’ digital team is fully staffed to design and program your online footprint. Our in-house developers are ready to provide full-stack database support and provide you with a web presence that shows the best of who your company is and what it can do. What’s more, because our web team is truly our web team, your new or updated webpage will fit within the larger marketing strategy and theme you’ve trusted MSI with for your other media needs.