This summer, Google made the much-anticipated transition from GA3 or “Universal Analytics” to Google Analytics 4. If you are unfamiliar, Google Analytics 4 is a platform that captures all the information about who visits a site, what they do there, how long they stay and what goals they accomplish. With all of these features involved, this transition would be a move that whether you were ready or not, would bring about new challenges to analytics data collection and storage going forward. Fortunately, MSI Communications was ready and, as promised, made sure our clients were ready too.
By keeping our clients informed and resourced with a myriad of options for storage alternatives, wanted analytics data that predated the new 14-month limit on such information was, and is, preserved.
Yet the move to Google Analytics 4 is not just an event to inspire more conscious data storage. In fact, it has been a great opportunity for businesses to reevaluate why they keep their analytics data and consider what they are or could be doing with it.
In simple terms, analytics data helps a company set goals and measure progress against those goals. From a site that simply wants to inform and provide educational resources to one that wants to move online visitors along the “interested” to “buy” journey, tracking data can help you hone your message, your delivery to the intended audience and even the product or service itself—for the benefit of all.
At MSI, our Digital Services department is knowledgeable, experienced and ready to help you ask the right questions so that the analytics data you’ve made an effort to preserve provides useful and profitable answers. For one, our team can help you connect past-platform goals to current-platform conversions and add this information to your already robust and customized dashboard. The features of these dashboards are vast. We can help you break out data by any number of criteria, not the least of which are demographic or geographic. Looking to turn social media results into something more tangible than “likes”? We can mix data such as this, data that exists off-platform, with your GA4 information and connect it all.
It might seem overwhelming, but with the right strategy, this abundance of information can turn into more than clicks, but also calls, emails, orders, filled forms, purchases and ultimately, dollars. Contact our Digital Services team today to maximize your analytics.